24 February, 2015

Hi all

I sat down this morning to upload my photos from the last month and write my blog …. then, I discovered that I’ve ‘lost’ my camera!  The last time I had it was on Rottnest Island and I’ve phoned everywhere there including the ferry and, although they tell me they have a multitude of iphones, there is no camera.

So, suffice to say I’ve had a great month but not many pics to show you.  Rob arrived on 2 February and we did the coast down to Augusta.  Would have gone further to Albany but there were terrible bush fires in the area.

We also did Swan Valley, Penguin Island and Rottnest Island and had a wonderful time though, needless to say, we have both gained a kg or 2 and are now busily ‘drying out’!

I’m so sad about the loss of my pics.  Don’t really care about the camera, which can be replaced, but some of the pics captured great memories.  Darn!!!

Looks like my blog won’t be updated until March when I have had the chance to get another camera and take some more pics of my travels.

Am sad, sad, sad!  But, I hope you’re all happy, happy, happy.  Talk soon.